Building a stronger, more just & transparent democracy

Articles from the January 11, 2024 edition

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  • Victims push for legislation against police deception in interrogations

    Mary Murphy - Aspen Anderson|Updated Jan 11, 2024

    Amanda Knox, the Seattle resident who spent nearly four years in an Italian prison for a murder she did not commit, offered heartfelt testimony Jan. 8 in favor of a bill that would prevent law enforcement officers from using deception during interrogations. "I was interrogated overnight by police officers who claimed to have evidence against me, who claimed that there were witnesses who could place me at the crime scene," Knox said. "They lied to me. I did not know they could...

  • Governor calls for action on homelessness, climate and abortion rights

    Mary Murphy|Updated Jan 11, 2024

    Defending his record and pressing for more action, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee urged a joint session of the Legislature to stay on a path that protects a woman's right to choose, improves public safety, reduces pollution, and curbs homelessness. Referencing his father's days of coaching track, Inslee declared to his audience that in this last term he has no plans to let up by "running through the tape." Inslee made his remarks in his annual State of the State address at the...

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